From Monte Simpson [AF7PQ]
WA State RACES Officer (SRO):
ARES/RACES Wildland Fire
Situation Report (SITREP) - August 30, 2015
ARES/RACES Wildland Fire
Situation Report (SITREP) - August 30, 2015
Here is a solicitation for help from Idaho.
I don’t recommend volunteers hopping in their cars and just showing up
Also, I’d look at the task book mentioned to see if the interested ham meets the requirements.
“ARES Amateur Radio Callout
We have received a call for assistance from the National Fire Fighter Communications Techs for ARES Radio Operators.
This is the big one folks, and these are the exact type of call-outs we look for.
Here are some of the things they are looking for:
1. ARES Operators in good standing
2. Self-contained operators with their own equipment VHF, HF, whatever you have.
3. Assignments up to 14 days, 15 hours a day (or as long as you can stay).
4. Operators will be given a Communications Task Book.
5. Upon completion you will be considered as Qualified Fed Radio Operator.
6. They will feed you well.
7. Some expenses may be covered (I told him we work for food)
8. Deployment to Central Idaho, McCall-Council Area.
2. Self-contained operators with their own equipment VHF, HF, whatever you have.
3. Assignments up to 14 days, 15 hours a day (or as long as you can stay).
4. Operators will be given a Communications Task Book.
5. Upon completion you will be considered as Qualified Fed Radio Operator.
6. They will feed you well.
7. Some expenses may be covered (I told him we work for food)
8. Deployment to Central Idaho, McCall-Council Area.
Michael N. Meier
Sent 2015-08-30 02:36:43 UTC by Michael Meier (WB7RBH), Section Emergency Coordinator”
I’ve reviewed the WebEOC log for ESF2 today and do not see any requests for amateur radio communications assistance. I do see there’s commercial phone support in Chelan County.
Steven’s County was having power outages, but no reported communications issues.
Stevens County seems to be status quo there are some discussion as to the impact if Stensgar Mountain is damaged.
It appears the Stevens County EOC is operating 0800 to 1800 daily.
Still no requests for Amateur Radio Communications Support.
Ferry county is being impacted by fires with many level 3 evacuations, but still no requests for Amateur Radio Support.
Okanogan County doesn’t have information posted and there has not been a report from ARES/RACES.
I didn’t see anything further on the fire in Columbia County.
Here's a good link for information on the weather’s impact on the fires:
If you have information about the fires or communications needs, please share the information with us.
Thank you to the amateur radio operators living in the impacted areas and helping their communities.
Thank you to amateurs standing by to help if they can our friends in Eastern Washington certainly need help.
Consider a donation to one of the many organizations caring for those who have been impacted.

Monte, AF7PQ WA State RACES Officer (SRO)
ARRL Sections - Western Washington
Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES)
Posted by PSRG FUN BLOG at 8/30/2015 06:30:00 PM