Using Echolink on a Radio Frequency (RF) repeater:
(Note: this discussion is still a Work-In-Progress subject to revision -- K7LWA)
Figure 1.
No station is currently connected to the WW7PSR repeater via it's (WW7PSR-R) Echolink node -- i.e., the WW7PSR-R Echolink node is "IDLE":
Figure 2.
K7LWA "brought up/connected to the WW7PSR-R (R=Repeater) node" -- and the Echolink display shows station WW7PSR-R is In Conference with K7LWA
(whenever you connect to an Echolink node -- you should see that you are "In Conference").
Figure 3.
However, before K7LWA "brought up/connected to the WW7PSR-R (R=Repeater) node" -- K7LWA configured [Tools] [Preferences] [Connections/Conferencing] to provide 4-channels whenever K7LWA connects to any Echolink node -- whether it's the WW7PSR-R node (as in this case), or any other Echolink node.
(NOTE: In order to provide the best support for "Conferencing", it is recommended that the "Conferencing station" has adequate internet bandwidth capabilities, since each channel will require/consume it's "own" and separate internet resources. Please see K7LWA's TX/RX Bandwidth NOTES below),
This will allow 3 other stations to dis/connect into WW7PSR-R Echolink node via K7LWA's Conference Connection -- without transmitting Connection/Disconnect messages for each station dis/connecting during the Conference session.
Normally, as a single Echolink station, the [Connections/Conferencing]
is not checked -- so, the
Echolink connection is 1-to-1.
This is why nobody else can check in whenever a single station (essentially in "non-Conferencing" mode) is connected.
Once that stations disconnects, then another station can connect to the Echolink node.
Each connecting station will generate a "connecting" message -- and a "disconnecting" message when exiting Echolink -- over the repeater's Radio Frequency (RF) transmission signal.
(Note, these messages can be disable, but PSRG does not do this.)
When these messages "over-ride" the Radio Frequency (RF) audio, they cause (RF) interference with any currently transmitting (RF) station -- which commonly occur when more that one (RF) station transmit simultaneously with another or more stations (e.g., creating a "double" noise).
Figure 4A+B.
K7LWA has connected to WW7PSR-R with 4 Conferencing channels -- one for K7LWA and 3 available for whoever else connects to WW7PSR-R via K7LWA.
In the figure below, when Eric [KK6MWW] connected to K7LWA's Echolink "station", it connected Eric to wherever K7LWA's node is active -- in this case, on the WW7PSR repeater (via its Echolink node) which was "In Conference K7LWA".
As you will note, Eric's Echolink connection is via his samsung SCH-1545 phone.
(NOTE: In a previous Echolink session with Eric [KK6MWW], K7LWA added him to his [Station] list as a Favorites (7) -- which is easier to recall for future contacts.)
Figure 4A. No RF or Echolink transmission (i.e., break between active stations)
Figure 4B. Active transmission on the repeater (i.e., a Radio Frequency (RF) station transmitting)
On the right panel, you'll see K7LWA and KK6MWW, as well as "> WW7PSR-R".
The symbol ">" indicates which station is currently transmitting -- in this case, the repeater is receiving/transmitting audio by Amateur "over-the-air" Radio Frequency (RF) -- not via Echolink.
It is important to understand that K7LWA is NOT transmitting via Echolink, but has the Echolink Conference enabled so more than just a single Echolink station can have access to the WW7PSR repeater via it's Echolink node.
In fact, in this example, the station K7LWA is operating as the Net Controller on the PSRG FM repeater during a regular Net session.
Most stations checkiing in and reporting on this Net are via Amateur Radio Operators transmitting on the repeater's assigned Radio Frequency (RF).
Figure 5A+B.
Echolink has TXT capabilities
Figure 5A. Pre-formatting TXT message during net
Figure 5B. A little Net controlling among RF & Echolink stations
Figure 5C. Example of having both RF and Echolink conversations while (other stations) are reporting in
Another Example of TXT:
In most cases, reception of Echolink is generally adequate, and surprisingly widely available on mobile devices.
(For example, Echolink "reception (RX)" is available travelling along I-90 in Washington state from Seattle eastward to junction with I-97 near Vantage, WA.)
However, it situation is often very different when trying to "transmit (TX)" via Echolink reliably within the same area with adequate "reception".
[K7LWA 2016-03-29-2015 Rev01]
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(Note: this discussion is still a Work-In-Progress subject to revision -- K7LWA)
Figure 1.
No station is currently connected to the WW7PSR repeater via it's (WW7PSR-R) Echolink node -- i.e., the WW7PSR-R Echolink node is "IDLE":

K7LWA "brought up/connected to the WW7PSR-R (R=Repeater) node" -- and the Echolink display shows station WW7PSR-R is In Conference with K7LWA
(whenever you connect to an Echolink node -- you should see that you are "In Conference").

Figure 3.
However, before K7LWA "brought up/connected to the WW7PSR-R (R=Repeater) node" -- K7LWA configured [Tools] [Preferences] [Connections/Conferencing] to provide 4-channels whenever K7LWA connects to any Echolink node -- whether it's the WW7PSR-R node (as in this case), or any other Echolink node.
(NOTE: In order to provide the best support for "Conferencing", it is recommended that the "Conferencing station" has adequate internet bandwidth capabilities, since each channel will require/consume it's "own" and separate internet resources. Please see K7LWA's TX/RX Bandwidth NOTES below),
This will allow 3 other stations to dis/connect into WW7PSR-R Echolink node via K7LWA's Conference Connection -- without transmitting Connection/Disconnect messages for each station dis/connecting during the Conference session.

This is why nobody else can check in whenever a single station (essentially in "non-Conferencing" mode) is connected.
Once that stations disconnects, then another station can connect to the Echolink node.
Each connecting station will generate a "connecting" message -- and a "disconnecting" message when exiting Echolink -- over the repeater's Radio Frequency (RF) transmission signal.
(Note, these messages can be disable, but PSRG does not do this.)
When these messages "over-ride" the Radio Frequency (RF) audio, they cause (RF) interference with any currently transmitting (RF) station -- which commonly occur when more that one (RF) station transmit simultaneously with another or more stations (e.g., creating a "double" noise).
Figure 4A+B.
K7LWA has connected to WW7PSR-R with 4 Conferencing channels -- one for K7LWA and 3 available for whoever else connects to WW7PSR-R via K7LWA.
In the figure below, when Eric [KK6MWW] connected to K7LWA's Echolink "station", it connected Eric to wherever K7LWA's node is active -- in this case, on the WW7PSR repeater (via its Echolink node) which was "In Conference K7LWA".
As you will note, Eric's Echolink connection is via his samsung SCH-1545 phone.
(NOTE: In a previous Echolink session with Eric [KK6MWW], K7LWA added him to his [Station] list as a Favorites (7) -- which is easier to recall for future contacts.)
Figure 4A. No RF or Echolink transmission (i.e., break between active stations)

On the right panel, you'll see K7LWA and KK6MWW, as well as "> WW7PSR-R".
The symbol ">" indicates which station is currently transmitting -- in this case, the repeater is receiving/transmitting audio by Amateur "over-the-air" Radio Frequency (RF) -- not via Echolink.
It is important to understand that K7LWA is NOT transmitting via Echolink, but has the Echolink Conference enabled so more than just a single Echolink station can have access to the WW7PSR repeater via it's Echolink node.
In fact, in this example, the station K7LWA is operating as the Net Controller on the PSRG FM repeater during a regular Net session.
Most stations checkiing in and reporting on this Net are via Amateur Radio Operators transmitting on the repeater's assigned Radio Frequency (RF).
Figure 5A+B.
Echolink has TXT capabilities
Figure 5A. Pre-formatting TXT message during net
Figure 5B. A little Net controlling among RF & Echolink stations
Another Example of TXT:
9:52 AM 1/20/2016 W
KK6MWW>you can get me anytime this morning
K7LWA>going to you after check-in & report from Kevin KG7KNS -- who's up next
K7LWA>rain all week long, some sun breaks
9:53 AM 1/22/2016 F
KK6MWW>anytime is good this morning. .yesterday was my Friday
K7LWA>Hi Peter, will get you at the end if the next go-around
KK6MWW>wow you guys are in for a 6 day rain forecast starting tues-sunday looking at your 10 day
K7LWA>Thanks for being here -- catch you tonight! 73! say HI to K6JRD...
Figure XX. FInding out QRZ.COM info
Bandwidth NOTES:9:52 AM 1/20/2016 W
KK6MWW>you can get me anytime this morning
K7LWA>going to you after check-in & report from Kevin KG7KNS -- who's up next
K7LWA>rain all week long, some sun breaks
9:53 AM 1/22/2016 F
KK6MWW>anytime is good this morning. .yesterday was my Friday
K7LWA>Hi Peter, will get you at the end if the next go-around
KK6MWW>wow you guys are in for a 6 day rain forecast starting tues-sunday looking at your 10 day
K7LWA>Thanks for being here -- catch you tonight! 73! say HI to K6JRD...
In most cases, reception of Echolink is generally adequate, and surprisingly widely available on mobile devices.
(For example, Echolink "reception (RX)" is available travelling along I-90 in Washington state from Seattle eastward to junction with I-97 near Vantage, WA.)
However, it situation is often very different when trying to "transmit (TX)" via Echolink reliably within the same area with adequate "reception".
[K7LWA 2016-03-29-2015 Rev01]
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Original posted by PSRG FUN BLOG at 03/30/2016 11:00AM PT
Rev01CA (04-05-2016)
Rev01CA (04-05-2016)