Another PSRG FUN
Mar 17th!!
Mar 17th!!
March 17: Winlink Training by Seattle ACS

The next PSRG Educational Meeting (Topic = HamWAN) is March 17, 2018 at 1:30 PM.
PSRG meetings are at the
Salmon Bay Cafe
5109 Shilshole Ave NW
Salmon Bay Cafe
5109 Shilshole Ave NW
Following the Educational Meeting, an Antenna Party will be held at
Pirate Radio Dave’s workshop
Pirate Radio Dave’s workshop
(See below)
Participants will be directed to the workshop from the meeting.
450 ohm window line will be available for making J-poles,
It is suggested that you may want to try a simple dipole or Yagi, using #12 or #14 wire or tape measure.
Bring a 36″ dowel if you plan to make a Yagi,
Particpants should bring their own coax for feed line.
Shelley [KF7TBA]'s Homemade 2-meter Yagi Antenna
Shelley [KF7TBA]'s Homemade 2-meter Yagi Antenna
PSRG Antenna Party
(after PSRG EDU MTG 03-17-2018) Workshop provided by Sam [KD7PWA] and Pirate Radio Dave [KD7PWB] Address: 1543 NW 49th St. (behind the ONLY house) on the West side of 15th. 1/2 block west of Ballard Bridge Parking available under Ballard Bridge (bring beverages if you like - PUBs & BUD Shop nearby) MAP + Directions |
Also on March 17: Winlink Training by Seattle ACS
Here is the ACS Announcement:
In order to avoid a head-on conflict with PSRG meeting and training on March 17th, Seattle ACS has changed a previously-scheduled
Winlink training session to Saturday MORNING
from 9 am to Noon (instead of Saturday afternoon).
The training will be at South Seattle College, Olympic Hall, room 101 (where ACS normally meets).
Winlink training session to Saturday MORNING
from 9 am to Noon (instead of Saturday afternoon).
The training will be at South Seattle College, Olympic Hall, room 101 (where ACS normally meets).
This is intended to be hands-on training with as much one-on-one help as possible. Based on the ACS poll that was sent out, we have about 9 people who are available to help, and about 19 people who want help. That’s pretty good, about a 2 to 1 ratio.
If you are coming for help YOU need to do the following:
- Bring your radio, laptop, and whatever other equipment that is meant to be part of your Winlink setup to the class, ready to use. This is hands on, not lecture.
- Before you come, go to the following two links from last years comm Academy and review Scott Curie’s excellent classes on Winlink. Follow those classes as much as you can on your own before the 17th to allow the absolute best use of the limited time we have on the 17th.
Other opportunities for help.
The following opportunities are also available for Winlink help, and you are encouraged to utilize these as much as you can.
- Every Monday night during our Monday Night ACS net you can go to North Seattle College to our radio room, and get help with Winlink. Dave Wilma is the contact for getting to the radio room.
- We (various of us) can offer one-on-one remote control help through an audio/video chat room where you can share your screen so we can see it, and do a lot to get you going that way. The challenge is finding the right person to help and matching them up with you and finding a time that works for both people. Despite the “hassle”, this is still a powerful tool for us to use. Please email if you would like to try and schedule one of these sessions.
We look forward to seeing as many people as possible on March 17th, and welcome PSRG members who are not involved with ACS to participate if they so desire.
The next PSRG Board meeting is on April 21, 2018 at 1:30 PM. (The meeting has been postponed from its regular date to avoid conflict with the Communications Academy.)
PSRG meetings are at the
Salmon Bay Cafe
5109 Shilshole Ave NW
Salmon Bay Cafe
5109 Shilshole Ave NW
Posted by PSRG FUN BLOG at 03-16-2017 03:00PT