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What's Hot???
(Updated: 12-21-2012)
Need some Snow for the Season?
How about this...
Longmire -- Looking southwest from the Administrative Building. View webcam
(see Snowy Mount Rainier on Sidebar ==>)
++++ ++++ NEW ++++ ++++
If you are reading this, then the Mayans' were kidding:
Watch & read the VOA report here!also:Updated Sidebar:
[Project Tips] -- Lee's Soldering Tips + Shelley's 2-meter Yagi
Shelley [KF7TBA] dishing up her homemade 2m-Yagi w/ Pesto! |
Heard on the Net (recently) |
Friday, December 21, 2012 (aka "The End of the World" Day) |
Your Friday 9AM NetOps Host: Kingston Bill [KC5WFH] |
Check-Ins from the usual suspects and these "new" contacts: |
W7SAT -- Brett J Mueller -- Mount Rainier (MORA) Puyallup, WA 98372 |
Winter Solistice! |
From BBC -- In pictures: Stonehenge marks winter solstice also check out the Maya calendar -- Ceremonies and parties across the world |
for you Opera fans |
check out BBC Radio 3 Opera programmes: Opera -- Radio 3 -- Home of the BBC Opera Season: discover what's on and what's coming up across all channels Opera on 3 -- Radio 3 -- Details of all opera broadcasts on Radio 3, plus background information on opera, its composers and performers Discover Opera on the BBC -- A Passion for Opera -- Opera on the BBC Search for opera across BBC TWO, BBC FOUR, Radio 2, Radio 3 and News |
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Irene [KF7WUD]'s Snoopy sez: "Sign Up for the PSRG Annual Dinner" |
Sign Up NOW!
PSRG Annual Dinner Saturday, Jan 12, 6pm at the 125th Street Grill. map info .- -. -.. - .... . -. --..-- --- -. . - .. -- . .- - .... .- -- -.-. .- -- .--. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- |
Join us on Skype during 9 O'Clock Nets (AM & PM) on the |
PSRG's 9-O'Clock Net Skype Group (NO Private Info PLEASE!) |
Search for Skype ID = PSRG's 9-O'Clock Net Skype Group (or CQ.K7LWA) |
(... join the Conversation!) |
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The PSRG Echolink Monitor (Click here)![]() |
Quick Link to PSRG's 9 O'Clock Net Check-In Roster |
Irene [KF7WUD]'s Snoopy sez: "Remember to Check-In on the PSRG Net each Monday at 7:30PM!" .- -. -.. - .... . -. --..-- --- -. . - .. -- . .- - .... .- -- -.-. .- -- .--. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- |
![]() Puget Sound Repeater Group Website ( |
--Thanks Lee [N7KC] --
![]() |
Irene [KF7WUD]'s Snoopy sez: "Check out Live Stream TV on Sunday on WW7ATS -- below!"
Streaming every Sunday & Thursday Evening @7:00PM on the web!
.-..-. .. .----. -- .-. . .- -.. -.-- ..-. --- .-. -- -.-- -.-. .-.. --- ... . -....- ..- .--. --..-- -- ... .--- . ... ... .. -.-. .- .-..-. Western Washington Amateur Television Society |
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An average PSRG 9-O'Clock Net Controller Remember: Monday Night is PSRG Net Check-In Time! .--. ... .-. --. -....- ..-. ..- -. .--. ... .-. --. -....- ..-. ..- -. |
Fancy Something New that is Olde?
"Pre-9 O'Clock" Net: Educational Radio Net Some of the newer people will not know that Lee [K7NC] and Bob [K9PQ] did a long running net on PSRG called the Educational Radio Net. We had a blog to support the net and it is still a good resource. Here is the link: |
--- --- --- Current Bandwidth --- --- ---
Weather Announcments via PSRG's Echolink/IRLP Node! |
Home |
Join |
Sponsored Nets: |
PSRG Net, Mondays, 19:30 |
The Nine O’clock net, Each day, 09:00 & 21:00 |
Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service, Mondays, 19:00 |
WWATS Amateur Television Net, Sunday and Thursday, 19:00 |
Events: Annual Picnics Torchlight Parade |
Operating Rules |
PSRG Store |
Mailing Lists |
Contact |
Echo/IRLP |
Weather Announcments |
ACS Ham/Seattle Hubs Repeater Current Status |
New Back up Repeater |
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WHAT WAS NEW (aka The Same Old Stuff)!
VIDEO: The Taylor Girls with A Mystery Guest Ending!
For more, see Sidebar: [Farm Report] The GREAT 1st EGG DROP CONTEST
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Revised and added Sidebar Pages:
-- Contest Donation Info --
To send in your donation via postal mail, write to:
Puget Sound Repeater Group
PO Box 77448
Seattle, WA 98177
For additional info, please contact:
Don Abeles [W7UUL] Secretary/Treasurer
Contact: Don
Puget Sound Repeater Group
PO Box 77448
Seattle, WA 98177
For additional info, please contact:
Don Abeles [W7UUL] Secretary/Treasurer
Contact: Don

From Steve [N7GWG]'s visit to the Spark Museum on October 14, 2012:Jessica, Sylvia and I had a GREAT time.. It was S H O C K I N G !!! lol. Video-01(scary!), Video-02, & Photos Thanks, Steve, for the great videos & photos! (Please see FUN Road Trip Idea below) |
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New FUN???
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Check out Mike [AE7XI]'s and LW [K7LWA]'s FUN Road Trip Idea: SPARK Museum of Electrical Invention! (formerly the American Museum of Radio and Electricity in Bellingham, WA)
Exhibits include:
“Franklin’s laboratory” diorama
Early Leyden Jars Static electricity machines Experimental electric light bulbs from Edison’s Menlo Park laboratory Wheatstone and Cooke 2-needle telegraph Telephone used in first transcontinental call Early Marconi wireless sets The Titanic wireless room Sarnoff loudspeaker Crystal Radio Sets Vacuum Tubes (13,000!) The “1930s Living Room Diorama” Radios, radios, radios! (Notice how radios evolve from “boxes & knobs” to beautiful furniture) and a hand-built Theremin by Robert "Bobby" Moog (as in "Moog Synthesizer") .--. ... .-. --. -....- ..-. ..- -. .--. ... .-. --. -....- ..-. ..- -.
What do YOU think -- Interested?
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Permalinks below -- related to the PSRG Organization
Permalinks below -- related to the PSRG Organization
Forget Monday Night Football or the Monday Night Movie or the Iron Chef |
Monday Night is PSRG Net Check-In Time! |
Check it out, then Check In: |
PSRG Net, Mondays, 19:30 |
Puget Sound Repeater Group Website ( |
--Thanks Lee [N7KC] --
"Pre-9 O'Clock" Net: Educational Radio Net Some of the newer people will not know that Lee and I did a long running net on PSRG called the Educational Radio Net. We had a blog to support the net and it is still a good resource. Here is the link: |
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(includes 2012 Antenna Parties & Field Day photos)
Now on the SidebarPSRG-FUN Blog
(includes 2012 Antenna Parties & Field Day photos)
Now on the Sidebar