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What's Hot???
(Updated: 11/30/12 3:30PM)
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Hope the past holiday treated you well as it did us. We had plenty of company from Terresa's Daughter and their family on Thursday to my Daughter and her family on Friday to my Brother on Sunday. Also on Sunday, we had another visitor stop by to show us his bird as he dropped it in our back yard. As his Thanksgiving crow laid there on our back lawn, dead, this guy swooped up onto the fence and posed for this pic, then went back, picked up his thanksgiving dinner and took off again. What a treat!!!
I'll mention it during the net tonight...might be neat to share on the FUN blog.
Darin [KF7TOV]
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Join us on Skype during 9 O'Clock Nets (AM & PM) on the |
PSRG's 9-O'Clock Net Skype Group (NO Private Info PLEASE!) |
Search for Skype ID = PSRG's 9-O'Clock Net Skype Group (or CQ.K7LWA) |
(... join the Conversation!) |
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The PSRG Echolink Monitor (Click here)![]() |
Quick Link to PSRG's 9 O'Clock Net Check-In Roster |
The International Space Station (ISS) is visible again -- in the AM!
ISS Fly-Over (updated 2012-11-22) -- Intl Space Station Sightings (Seattle, WA) area -- Obj + Date + Time + Dur(Mins)|Elev + Entry + Exit + |
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__[[+]]__TRAINING ALERTS!__[[+]]__
GENERAL LICENSING CLASS IN FEDERAL WAY "Upgrade to GENERAL in 1 Weekend!" Nov 30 through Dec 2, 2012 |
The GENERAL HAM Licensing Class schedule is: Friday evening, November 30th 7 - 9 PM, Saturday, December 1st 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, and Sunday, December 2nd 8:30 AM to 2 PM, immediately followed by the VE Test session. Note: "Walk-In" examinees (for All Classes exams) are welcomed!
Please see Sidebar to right: [GENERAL CLASS THIS WEEKEND!]
Daniel Stevens [KL7WM] Phone: 206-228-9274 E-mail: training(at) |
Breaking HAM News You Can Use NOW! |
Inattentive driving could soon cost you $124 in King County The Metropolitan King County Council has approved a new traffic infraction — inattentive driving — with fines that could bring in about $75,000 next year. (By-line: byoung [at] -- originally published Monday, November 5, 2012 at 5:34 PM) |
So, can YOU operate an Amateur Radio while driving in WAshington? What does the WA LAW (RCWs) say?
Thanks to Dixie [N7OYY] for the update!
(BTW: Dixie recommends keeping a Print Version of this RCW in your vehicle) ================= RCWs > Title 46 > Chapter 46.61 > Section 46.61.667
Revised Code of Washington (RCW)
Title 46 RCW -- MOTOR VEHICLES Chapter 46.61 RCW -- RULES OF THE ROAD RCW 46.61.667 -- Using a wireless communications device while driving.
(1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, a person operating a moving motor vehicle while holding a wireless communications device to his or her ear is guilty of a traffic infraction.
(3) Subsection (1) of this section does not restrict the operation of an amateur radio station by a person who holds a valid amateur radio operator license issued by the federal communications commission.
(5) The state preempts the field of regulating the use of wireless communications devices in motor vehicles, and this section supersedes any local laws, ordinances, orders, rules, or regulations enacted by a political subdivision or municipality to regulate the use of wireless communications devices by the operator of a motor vehicle.
to the 11 New Technicians & 3 Upgraded Generals(/AG)
who recently attended the
Technician License Training Class+Exam in Ballard
sponsored and organized by
the Philadelphia Church EPP Committee
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How about Ian [K7PDP] making the National Media??
Seattle's Living Computer Museum tempts tech tourists
to the 11 New Technicians & 3 Upgraded Generals(/AG)
who recently attended the
Technician License Training Class+Exam in Ballard
sponsored and organized by
the Philadelphia Church EPP Committee
KF7ZHG Nichols, Andrew W |
KF7ZHH Bryant, Shelby J |
KF7ZHI Cox, Kathryn B |
KF7ZHJ Cox, John R |
KF7ZHK Brown, Albert L |
KF7ZHL Chandler, Jennifer |
KF7ZHM Costa, Anthony L |
KF7ZHN Johnson, Dale R |
KF7ZHO Brown, Daniel T |
KF7ZHP Crisalli, Thomas P |
KF7ZHQ Davis, Charles |
How about Ian [K7PDP] making the National Media??
Seattle's Living Computer Museum tempts tech tourists
![]() |
Seattle's Living Computer Museum tempts tech tourists
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Irene [KF7WUD]'s Snoopy sez: "Remember to Check-In on the PSRG Net each Monday at 7:30PM!" .- -. -.. - .... . -. --..-- --- -. . - .. -- . .- - .... .- -- -.-. .- -- .--. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- |
![]() Puget Sound Repeater Group Website ( |
--Thanks Lee [N7KC] --
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Streaming every Sunday & Thursday Evening @7:00PM on the web!
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Western Washington Amateur Television Society
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Western Washington Amateur Television Society
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An average PSRG 9-O'Clock Net Controller Remember: Monday Night is PSRG Net Check-In Time! .--. ... .-. --. -....- ..-. ..- -. .--. ... .-. --. -....- ..-. ..- -. |
Fancy Something New that is Olde?
"Pre-9 O'Clock" Net: Educational Radio Net Some of the newer people will not know that Lee [K7NC] and Bob [K9PQ] did a long running net on PSRG called the Educational Radio Net. We had a blog to support the net and it is still a good resource. Here is the link: |
++++ ++++ NEW ++++ ++++
How about Ian [K7PDP] making the National Media??
Seattle's Living Computer Museum tempts tech tourists
to the 11 New Technicians & 3 Upgraded Generals(/AG)
(see list under "What's Hot!" above)
who recently attended the
++++ ++++ NEW ++++ ++++
How about Ian [K7PDP] making the National Media??
Seattle's Living Computer Museum tempts tech tourists
to the 11 New Technicians & 3 Upgraded Generals(/AG)
(see list under "What's Hot!" above)
who recently attended the
Technician License Training Class+Exam in Ballard
sponsored and organized by
the Philadelphia Church EPP Committee
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Class Contacts:
sponsored and organized by
the Philadelphia Church EPP Committee
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Thank you to all who helped
by sharing your expertise, time, and assistance
during the recent training and testing sessions --
because of you
-- our hobby and our communities are enriched!
.--. ... .-. --. -....- ..-. ..- -.
Specifically, we acknowledge the following contributions from:
-- All the brave class attendees (especially the new Hams) --
-- Sponsors, organizers, & hosts --
Mike Walsh [W7BMW], helpers & the Philadelphia Church EPP Committee
-- Trainers --
Daniel Stevens [KL7WM] -- lead trainer,
Mike Walsh [W7BMW] & LW Abel [K7LWA];
-- Volunteer Examiners (VEs) --
Jerry Clingan [KC7AUW],
Jim Etzwiler [KD7BAT],
Theresa Edwards [KO7E], &
Karl Leon [N7KUW]
.--. ... .-. --. -....- ..-. ..- sharing your expertise, time, and assistance
during the recent training and testing sessions --
because of you
-- our hobby and our communities are enriched!
.--. ... .-. --. -....- ..-. ..- -.
Specifically, we acknowledge the following contributions from:
-- All the brave class attendees (especially the new Hams) --
-- Sponsors, organizers, & hosts --
Mike Walsh [W7BMW], helpers & the Philadelphia Church EPP Committee
-- Trainers --
Daniel Stevens [KL7WM] -- lead trainer,
Mike Walsh [W7BMW] & LW Abel [K7LWA];
-- Volunteer Examiners (VEs) --
Jerry Clingan [KC7AUW],
Jim Etzwiler [KD7BAT],
Theresa Edwards [KO7E], &
Karl Leon [N7KUW]
Mike Walsh [W7BMW]
Be sure to check for your NEW CALL SIGN on the
FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS) (See below)
Be sure to check for your NEW CALL SIGN on the
FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS) (See below)
--- --- --- Current Bandwidth --- --- ---
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Revised and added Sidebar Pages:
-- Contest Donation Info --
To send in your donation via postal mail, write to:
Puget Sound Repeater Group
PO Box 77448
Seattle, WA 98177
For additional info, please contact:
Don Abeles [W7UUL] Secretary/Treasurer
Contact: Don
Puget Sound Repeater Group
PO Box 77448
Seattle, WA 98177
For additional info, please contact:
Don Abeles [W7UUL] Secretary/Treasurer
Contact: Don
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WHAT WAS NEW (aka The Same Old Stuff)!
VIDEO: The Taylor Girls with A Mystery Guest Ending!
For more, see Sidebar: [Farm Report] The GREAT 1st EGG DROP CONTEST
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From Steve [N7GWG]'s visit to the Spark Museum on October 14, 2012:Jessica, Sylvia and I had a GREAT time.. It was S H O C K I N G !!! lol. Video-01(scary!), Video-02, & Photos Thanks, Steve, for the great videos & photos! (Please see FUN Road Trip Idea below) |
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New FUN???
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Check out Mike [AE7XI]'s and LW [K7LWA]'s FUN Road Trip Idea: SPARK Museum of Electrical Invention! (formerly the American Museum of Radio and Electricity in Bellingham, WA)
Exhibits include:
“Franklin’s laboratory” diorama
Early Leyden Jars Static electricity machines Experimental electric light bulbs from Edison’s Menlo Park laboratory Wheatstone and Cooke 2-needle telegraph Telephone used in first transcontinental call Early Marconi wireless sets The Titanic wireless room Sarnoff loudspeaker Crystal Radio Sets Vacuum Tubes (13,000!) The “1930s Living Room Diorama” Radios, radios, radios! (Notice how radios evolve from “boxes & knobs” to beautiful furniture) and a hand-built Theremin by Robert "Bobby" Moog (as in "Moog Synthesizer") .--. ... .-. --. -....- ..-. ..- -. .--. ... .-. --. -....- ..-. ..- -.
What do YOU think -- Interested?
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Permalinks below -- related to the PSRG Organization
Permalinks below -- related to the PSRG Organization
Forget Monday Night Football or the Monday Night Movie or the Iron Chef |
Monday Night is PSRG Net Check-In Time! |
Check it out, then Check In: |
PSRG Net, Mondays, 19:30 |
Puget Sound Repeater Group Website ( |
--Thanks Lee [N7KC] --
"Pre-9 O'Clock" Net: Educational Radio Net Some of the newer people will not know that Lee and I did a long running net on PSRG called the Educational Radio Net. We had a blog to support the net and it is still a good resource. Here is the link: |
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(includes 2012 Antenna Parties & Field Day photos)
Now on the SidebarPSRG-FUN Blog
(includes 2012 Antenna Parties & Field Day photos)
Now on the Sidebar